LibertyCon Programming Information
The LibertyCon 37 Schedule is being developed
Putting together the LibertyCon Programming Schedule is a complete labor of love by our Director of Programming: Rich Groller, and his staff. We have many guests who would like to present at LibertyCon. As such, our programming schedule is one of the most top-notch world-class programming schedules a convention could ask for.
We often hear, “You have too many good things happening at the same time.”
To this, we say: “Having choices is a good thing!”
LibertyCon 37 Pocket Programs
The LibertyCon 37 2025 Pocket Programs will be available for download and printing in the future.
The Pocket Programs are sized for 8.5"x11" (letter) paper.

Friday Full Schedule

Literary & Publishing Track

Kids Programming Track

Saturday Full Schedule

Art and Workshops Track

Author and Artists Alley

Sunday Full Schedule

STEM Track


Main Programming Track

Gaming Track

Programming Categories
A panel consists of 2 to 6 speakers and a moderator who is “driving” the discussion. A panel often includes a Q&A period with the audience.
Round Table
A round table is a more informal discussion format usually with a larger group (6+ speakers) with the moderator as a fail-safe to keep the ball rolling. In this format the audience are eavesdroppers listening on a discussion and may or may not be invited to ask questions, according to how the moderator sees things flowing. If the topic is an anthology, will often include a mass autograph session.
A presentation is a lecture, with or without visual aids by one or more “presenters” that is controlled and may or may not involve Q&A from the audience. Slide Shows are a subset of Presentations, as are ARTC performances.
A demonstration is a Presentation that may have more physical elements involved, such as “The Reinhardt Fight Team” or “How to Build Terrain Models.”
A workshop is an interaction between an instructor and attendees, and includes either instructional or practice documents and/or working tools or materials (sometimes a materials fee is charged).
A reading is a reading from an author’s written works by the author. This are usually individual or shared sessions where two authors share the hour.
Autograph Session
An autograph session is a designated time for Pros to sign their works, at no fee to the participant, in a large venue or smaller venues as appropriate. Mass autograph sessions are usually reserved for anthologies where multiple authors are signing together in a group.
A concert is a musical presentation by one or more performers, with varying degrees of formality in their presentations.
A banquet is a formal sit down luncheon or dinner, with speeches from the Guests of Honor and presentation of gifts.
A kaffeeklatsch is an informal discussion, usually in a smaller, more intimate setting like a board room, where coffee is available and fans and the speaker can talk about topics of interest
A filk sing is a fannish folk musical presentation by one or more performers with varying degrees of formality in their presentations, usually involving audience participation.
A launch is a celebration of the initial release of a book or the initial public gathering of a group, often (in the case of a book launch) including readings from the book by its author or authors. The atmosphere is often that of a reception, typically with light snacks and beverages provided.