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Views from the Torch: 21 June 2024

Photo showing a group of long tables with black tablecloths and t-shirts and people on both sides of the tables on the Marriott Downtown Chattanooga Mezzanine
T-shirt sales on the Marriott Downtown Mezzanine (© LibertyCon 2024)

It can be hard to understand things from the ground level. Sometimes, things become much clearer from a distance. Looking down from Lady Liberty’s torch makes the amazing dance of the ships and people below easier to grasp.


Friday started with a bang here at LibertyCon 36. The great Convention Center flood of 2024 had left many of the contracted rooms unavailable, leading to a shift in where the panels would be held. And the attendees and guests handled it with grace and a grin.


Breakfast get-togethers led to morning social gatherings in the lobby, as friends greeted friends they hadn’t seen since last year, or sometimes longer. People waited in anticipation for Registration to open, lines forming early. As soon as Matt and his team opened for the day, people happily got their badges, program books, and pocket programs. Bright ribbons adorned many of the displayed badges, each badge proclaiming the bearer a proud and cherished part of LibertyCon.


At 1 PM, panels started, with subjects from crowdsourcing to humor to the Fermi Paradox leading the way. Authors showed their wares in Author and Artist Alley. At 3 PM, the Art Show, Dealers Hall, and Con Suite opened their respective doors to the waiting crowds.


It wouldn’t be long, though, until chaos chose to rear its ugly head in the form of a fire alarm in the Convention Center. Following the rules, those guests and attendees in the Convention Center exited and crossed the street, many continuing the discussions from the panels. Thankfully, it was a false alarm and everyone was able to return quickly. This was followed by the air conditioning failing in Plaza Ballroom C in the Marriott. We moved all upcoming panels from there into Meeting Room 3 in the Convention Center.


Opening Ceremonies at 5 PM were, as always, invigorating, interesting, and entertaining. First was the wonderful new song Gray Rinehart performed, a reminder that in the choice between Liberty and Death, choose LibertyCon. Then our Master of Ceremonies, Kacey Ezell, reminded us of the late tradition started by Bob Tucker, the ceremonial toast to open LibertyCon. She and her cohorts passed out homemade rum balls and alcohol-free kisses so we could all enjoy them together, raise our hands, and sweep in LibertyCon with a hearty “smooth!”


The evening continued with more panels about science, art, and publishing. Upstairs on the 16th floor, a great offering of dill pickle pasta salad and pulled pork sandwiches was unveiled in our own That Ain’t Quite Right Café and Bar.


The evening concluded with filking led by Gray Rhinehart and the ever popular (and LOUD) Saturday –err– Friday Night Karaoke.


It was an impressive start to what is sure to be an amazing weekend. We’ll stand here tomorrow, looking down in wonder and excitement, to see what Saturday holds in store.

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