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This Day in Science Fiction History: 8 August

Fictional Entry—Wednesday, August 8, 12068

Scene from Foundation television series, with Hari Seldon (played by Jared Harris) is speaking to members aboard the starship Deliverance.
Hari Seldon on board the Deliverance. (© Skydance Television 2021)

Psycohistory: Gaal Dornick, using nonmathematical concepts, has defined Psychohistory to be that branch of mathematics which deals with the reactions of human conglomerates to fixed social and economic stimuli. Implicit in all these definitions the assumption that the human conglomerate being dealt with s sufficiently large for valid statistical treatment. The necessary size of such a conglomerate may be determined by Seldon's First Theorem which ... a further necessary assumption is that human conglomerate be itself unaware of Psychohistory analysis in order that its reactions be truly random. The basis of all valid Psychohistory lies in the development of the Seldon functions which exhibit properties congruent to those of such social and economic forces as ...

-Encyclopedia Galactica


The development of psychohistory, and more importantly, the release of his findings, led Hari Seldon to be branded a traitor to the Empire. Seldon’s equations showed not how individuals would behave, but how the whole of a society would behave. The findings from his newest equations posited that the Empire, which had been in power for over 400 years, would fall over the next century due to civil war.


The triumvirate of Emperor Cleon’s clones (Brother Day, Brother Dusk, and Brother Dawn), also known as the genetic dynasty of Cleon I, believed that Seldon himself was going to start the war. Though Seldon had no such intention, he was still to be killed.


With the help of Gaal Dornick, Seldon was able to successfully convince the Emperors to exile himself and his followers to Terminus, a planet on the far reaches of the Empire. This fits with Seldon’s plan to create a group, what he calls Foundation, to shorten the long night of barbarism following the collapse of the Empire.


One year into the voyage, Seldon reveals to Raych Foss, his adopted son, that the mathematical model for psychohistory is incomplete and therefore the plan for Foundation is not firm. It could fail or succeed, or even the Empire might not fall. This leads to the apparent murder of Hari by Raych. Hari convinced Raych to kill him by explaining the “murder” was the only way to save Gaal Dornick.


In fact, Hari’s death was part of the equation and a necessary step toward the Second Foundation. He had realized the Foundation would be destroyed eventually and that another repository of all of humankind’s knowledge must be created.


Foundation S01E02 Preparing to Live

Television Series

Skydance Television



This Day in Science Fiction History examines notable events, real and fictional, concerning fantasy and science fiction in various media.



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