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This Day in Science Fiction History: 18 August

Fictional Entry—Thursday, August 18, 1994

Ireland vs Bulgaria quidditch match in the Quidditch Trillenium Stadium, Dartmoor, England. (© Unknown 2004)

From The Quibbler August 19, 1994


You-Know-Who Overshadows Ireland Win


The finals of the 442nd Quidditch World Cup came down to which of the two reigning defensive teams could push through.


Bulgaria had won the last twelve Eastern European Championships. Their defense is rock solid, capable of blunting the most frenetic assaults by other teams. One of the only teams with a member who regularly can perform the difficult Wronski Feint. The Feint forces the opposing player to crash their broom into the ground during a match without being touched by the player performing the feint.


On the other hand, Ireland had decimated every team they had played during the World Cup with a defense based on pass prevention and interception. The game against Peru was a perfect example, with the Peruvians only managing eight goals for 80 points during the nearly eight hour match.


Both teams were evenly matched on the field with everyone riding Firebolt brooms. With a blast of light, the snitch was released and the game began. Ireland quickly gained the lead, with Chaser Troy (Ireland) intercepting the Quaffle passed by Chaser Alexei Levski (Bulgaria). This was followed almost immediately by a second goal for Ireland.


Chaser Clara Ivanova (Bulgaria) swooped in and gained possession of the Quaffle. Through intricate maneuvering she scored the first goal for Bulgaria. The score now sat at 20 for Ireland and 10 for Bulgaria. A chase ensued after the Snitch between Seekers Aidan Lynch (Ireland) and Viktor Krum (Bulgaria). Viktor successfully performed the Wronski Feint and Lynch slammed into the turf. Though injured, mediwizards were able to heal him and Lynch returned to the game.


Within fifteen minutes, a hard drive by Ireland’s Chasers had opened the lead to a whopping 130-10. During another drive, Chaser Mullet was cobbed by Keeper Zorgraf (Bulgaria). The audience went into anarchy. Over the field, the swell of the crowd’s noise seemed to infect the players, and a second penalty. Finally,  Beater Quigley (Ireland) sent a Bludger into Krum’s face. The impact broke Krum’s nose. Krum refused to stop and pushed on.


The Snitch was spotted again and the two seekers charged after. In a close race, they zoomed around while the rest of the team’s members continued to fight for additional points. Seeker Krum managed to grab hold of the Snitch, ending the game. Despite the additional points from the Snitch, Bulgaria still lost the match 170-160.


Ireland performed the traditional lap around the stadium before being presented the Quidditch World Cup in the Top Box.


After the game, while the crowd was returning to the camp, a group of D**th Eathers gathered and began attacking the tents of the various wizards and witches at the event. They even attacked the Muggle family of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. They were levitated, tormented, and humiliated by the Eaters as the incompetent members of the Ministry of Magic failed to stop the Eaters or the riot.   


The riot only ended when someone cast Morsmordre into the sky. The Dark Mark appeared above the campground and the D**th Eaters fled. Who cast the mark and why is unknown, though thankfully it is reported that no one died in the riot.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


J. K. Rowling



This Day in Science Fiction History examines notable events, real and fictional, concerning fantasy and science fiction in various media.



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