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The Annual LibertyCon Blood Drive is Back!

There aren't enough words to describe how amazing the attendees and staff of LibertyCon are. In the last seven years during our annual blood drives, you have donated 189 units of blood. That equals 567 lives saved. It's hard to put into words how much we appreciate your willingness to give.

I'm proud to announce that once again, the Blood Assurance Bloodmobile will be parked outside the Convention Center on Saturday, June 24th. The response last year was so overwhelming, Blood Assurance had to turn people away because they didn't have enough time to take all of the donations. Well, to prevent that this year, the blood drive has been extended from four to six hours in length, running from 10 am to 4 pm.

As we've done in the past, we will be offering one free membership to LibertyCon 36 to a lucky (randomly chosen) participant. In order to win, you must show up for the donation. If Blood Assurance cannot take your donation for some reason, you still will be entered in the drawing.

We'd love to see as many of you as wish to donate have a chance. If you're interested in donating this year, please sign up using the link

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31 mai 2023

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