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LibertyCon 36, the Bar, and You

Blue cooler, beer pulls, and wooden bar at LibertyCon 32 (2019)
See how lonely it is without a bartender

Welcome to LibertyCon 36! For more than three decades, the greatest element of LibertyCon has been the people who volunteer, and I’m biased when I say that my favorite volunteers are ones behind the That Ain’t Quite Right Bar!

The bar will open on Friday, June 21 with our operating hours through Sunday being:

  • Friday              1 PM – 2 AM

  • Saturday          10 AM – 2 AM

  • Sunday            10 AM – 4 PM

 In order to keep the bar open, we need bartenders, which is where we need your help. The bar needs to be staffed by two volunteers who will fill a two-hour time slot with the exception of the last slot (11 PM – 2 AM).

Duties are simple – check IDs each and every time you serve someone, keep the supply of cups topped off, keep the bar clean, keep the three kegs behind the bar iced and when a keg is running low let a senior member of the Hospitality Suite know so we can coordinate getting a full one.

Why volunteer?

  • You meet a lot of people, many of whom you might not have spoken to otherwise.

  • If you’re new to LibertyCon it’s a great way to learn about the convention, its history, and the family ties we’ve all built over the years.

  • Everyone comes up to the hospitality suite and most come to the bar.

  • LibertyCon has been a success for the past 35 years because fans volunteer and make our convention the best in the South, and I would argue the best in America.

I hope you’ll join us as a volunteer.  For more information before the convention please email At the convention, just come up to the hospitality suite and ask one of the staff members about volunteering at the bar.

Thanks & see you at LibertyCon.

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