Rich Groller

Our own LibertyCon Director of Programming, Dr. Richard Groller, is also an author in his own right. He is co-author of The Warrior's Edge (with Janet Morris and COL John Alexander), and a contributing author to The American Warrior (Janet and Chris Morris, Eds.), and to 7 volumes of the Heroes in Hell shared universe anthology. Nominated for Military Intelligence Professional Writer of the Year in 1986, he has published numerous historical and technical articles in such venues as Military Intelligence, The Field Artillery Journal, Guns and Ammo, and the Journal of Electronic Defense. A member of SFWA, HWA and SFPA, he has short stories in the Sha'Daa: Tales of the Apocalypse shared universe anthology, from Moondream Press and in the Night Chills horror anthologies from Iron Clad Press. He is editor of The Book of Night, and illustrated book of macabre poetry from Copper Dog publishing, and his poetry has been published in 2 Amazon Best Seller volumes of the Horror Writers of America Poetry Showcase, and in the recent art book Klarissa Dreams, and the newly released Stand Together, a poetry and prose anthology fundraiser for the efforts in the Ukraine.