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Nathan Brindle



Nathan C. Brindle is a senior software engineer with a BA and most of an MA in History.

There is a story behind that, of course.  He's worked 30 years for a company in Maryland

you've probably never heard of, despite living in Indianapolis, Indiana, for all but one year

of his life, while the History he spent so much time and money studying has been mostly

just a hobby. (Life comes at you fast. The 1990s were only 10 years ago, right?)

He is happily married to his lady Sally (25 years in 2025!), with whom he has two cats

and several duct-tape children, one of whom has graced him with two grandchildren upon

whom he dotes.  His educational background is in History, mostly American Diplomatic,

American Military, and Japanese General History. He reads and speaks just enough

Japanese to order food in a Japanese restaurant, to ask where the restroom is, or to get into

a bar fight in a Tokyo izakaya.

One of the lifetime accomplishments he's proudest of is being a 33rd Degree Sovereign

Grand Inspector General and honorary member of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, of

the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. There's a story

behind that, too.

Since 2013, he is also an amateur radio operator, and holds an Amateur Extra Class

license. Because he didn"t have enough expensive hobbies already.

While he's written fiction off and on since junior high school, it was the 2020 WuFlu

lockdowns that really got him motivated to start writing SF again – and to do it right, this

time. That's resulted in 7 novels, 8 shorter "light" novels, an ultra-short story, and an AI art

book in just five years, while still working full-time at his real job. At this writing (October

2024), there's a noir-ish novella in the works, along with two more novels and another light

novel. You can find links to all of his books at his website,, along with

other fun stuff related to his writing.


The Lion of God

Book 1 of 4: Timelines


The Cross-Time Kamaitachi

Book 5 of 9: Timelines Universe


The Tale of the Crane Princess

Book 6 of 9: Timelines Universe


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