Mary Hare

I’m a wife, mother, and grandmother, who had a four-year stint in the USAF in the Manned SpaceFlight Support Group at the Johnson Space Center in the 80’s, where I met and married my husband, also in the USAF at the time. Since then, almost every job I’ve had has involved computers in some way, ranging from user or systems support, programming, or database development. I write science fiction or fantasy, usually with a military component or computer geek component. Or historical fiction based in early imperial Rome or the bronze age.
I have a short story in the “But Not Broken” anthology published by Sanderley Studios, and two self-published novellas, “Down Pad” and “Cloak and Stola.” My substack, Meaningful Differences, includes more of my fiction, as well as original essays on the Aeneid.