David Badurina

David Badurina is a speculative fiction author from the frozen tundra of New Hampshire. David is a father, business owner, 4th degree black belt, host of The MIRTH QUAKE Web Show, and a little too fond of the absurd. In 2024 he released his sci-fi space comedy novel, SPACE PEW PEW as well as his first non-fiction project, Joy Jitsu. A GenX child through-and-through, the free-spirited comedy and characters as well as the original worlds of '80s sci-fi and fantasy movies are a hallmark of his storytelling. Flawed heroes, captivating villains, and plenty of laugh-out-loud humor are ever-present on his pages. David lives with his wonderful partner Jaclynn, two cats, two geckos, five pet snakes, and a crippling boba tea addiction. You can explore David’s social media presence, and stay up to date with his projects through his website, davidbadurina.com.