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Richard Hailey



Known mostly for his awesome barbecue skills, Rich is working to be equally well known for his writing. A reader of science fiction and fantasy since he found "Tunnel in the Sky" in the school library, his best friends in those years were Heinlein, Bradbury, Van Vogt, Del Ray, and so many others. 50 years later, he decided to try his hand at this writing gig and made my first professional sale with my first submission. Multiple rejections followed, but also more sales. When he's not writing, he's travelling the roads with his wife, usually to Disney, but also to as many cons as possible


Single Servings of Liberty

Book 5 of 7: Postcard Stories


Imagine THAT!

Book 6 of 7: Postcard Stories


Fanta-Fly Postcards

Postcard Stories Book 3


A Tennessee Literary Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

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Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention of Chattanooga, LTD - 501(c)(3)  - EIN: 62-1316473

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