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Philip Wohlrab



Philip Wohlrab is a wargaming analyst in the DoD, where he works primarily with the United States Air Force, but has also worked with the Space Force, the Navy, the IC community, and most recently with the National War College. In the four years that he has been doing this he has helped design and execute more than 100 wargames in partnership with his agile wargaming team. In addition to his wargaming work, he has been an Army medic for more than 17 years, and earned an MPH. He earned the title "Doc" the hard way in Iraq, and continues to train medics for the Virginia Army National Guard. Additionally he has published several short stories, and has worked on several commercial wargames. 


Chicks in Tank Tops


The Founder Effect


Freehold: Defiance

Book 8 of 8: Freehold


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