Melissa Gay
Melissa Gay thinks of creating art as illustrating personal myths-- half-dreamed bedtime stories, chance encounters in misty woods, hazy glimpses of far-flung civilizations through a handmade telescope, scenes to fire the imagination. Beginning her career as a scientific illustrator, she went on to create covers and interior illustrations for publishers such as Baen Books, Llewellyn Worldwide, Hay House, Apex Press, Three Ravens Publishing, and 78 Tarot, as well as working on many fan-favorite tabletop games such as Delta Green, Over the Edge, Trail of Cthulhu, the Dracula Dossier, the Dresden Files, Part-Time Gods, Mermaid Adventures, Sagaborn, Surviving Strangehollow, Fate Worlds, Hero, the Yellow King RPG, and many others. Her illustrations "Offering" and "Harvest" have won Chesley awards, and many of the games she has worked on have won Gold and Silver Ennie awards. Her work has been featured in ImagineFX Magazine, io9,, and several of the Infected By Art anthologies.
She has published two art books, Finding My Familiar (animal drawings on toned paper with various pencils) and Earth and Water (ink drawings and paintings), and she is currently working on a book of acrylic sci-fi paintings, called I Dream Of Space. (Gallery owners have scolded her for doing too many different things. Instead of stopping, she decided to do it even harder.)
Apart from drawing and painting, she happiest when gaming with her spouse or creating her own woodland adventures on hiking trails.
Visit her on the web at, say hi on, or see what she's up to behind the scenes in her studio at