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Greg Eden
Greg Eden is from New Zealand where he trained in radio communications and has worked in England, Wales, Austria, Ghana Nigeria, Sudan and Chad. He has installed radio equipment in garbage trucks, has been a communications officer for the UK Fire Service, has set up paging networks, and currently works in West Africa installing Air Traffic Control Systems and Meteorological Sensor Networks.
Day | Start | Location | Name of Event |
Fri | 5:00 PM | CC - Mtg Room 14/15 | Opening Ceremonies |
Fri | 8:00 PM | CC - Room 3 | Building a Low Tech Colony World |
Sat | 10:00 AM | M - Plaza Ballroom A/B | Guest of Honor Brunch Banquet / Speeches |
Sat | 12:00 PM | CC - Mtg Rm 13 (STEM) | Off-Grid Power Systems |
Sun | 10:00 AM | M - Plaza Ballroom A/B | Kaffeeklatsch |
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