LibertyCon Gaming Room
The LibertyCon Gaming Room is STOCKED with many games! Feel free to bring your own if you would like, but there is quite the possibility we will have on hand the game you wish to play or even a game you just want to try.

Hours of Operation
The LibertyCon Gaming Room will be ready to play games early Friday afternoon. Gaming is typically available until the wee hours of the morning. Official hours of operation will be posted outside the Gaming Room.
Gaming Room Schedule
Many events will be happening in the gaming room. Game tournaments like our famous Killer Cutthroat Spades Tourmanent, Dungeons & Dragons, Ultimate Werewolf, and much more. The complete list of the schedule of events can be found in the Programming Schedule for the Gaming Room, as well as in the Pocket Program.
If you would like to run a tournament or a game, please send an email with your request and details to

Kids Welcome
We love having younger players in the game room. LibertyCon has several games focused on children ages 10+.
Want to find out how to play Pokémon Trading Card Game? Check out Intro to Pokémon with Jack Friedman, a kid-friendly Pokémon tournament.
Or would you rather roleplay some pulp space heroes? Join others on the search for the Patrol-class rocket cruiser Hannibal in Cosmic Patrol: The Doomsday Protocols or look for Dr. Grant on the lunar river in Space 1889: The River of Life .
Fantasy more your speed? How about some Dungeons and Dragons?​
Clicking a game will open a new window with information about the game
Partial List of Games available in the Gaming Room to play:​
Mixed Games
(Dice and Card, Buildable, etc.)
Minion Table Hockey
Card Games
Loot Letter
Dice Games
Board Games
How to Train Your Dragon