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Eric Flint's 1632 & Beyond - Grantville Gazette

Are you missing issues of the Grantville Gazette? Interested in subscribing to the new magazine? This is the site for you! In addition to subscriptions to Eric Flint's 1632 & Beyond, The Grantville Gazette is available as single issues and bundles of six issues (one year). But wait! There's more! We have links to the author website with information for anyone interested in writing for us or just learning more about the universe. If that's not enough, you can also select the "blog" to find copies of Eric Flint's blog posts going back to 2006 and new posts about 1632 & Beyond! Do you need MORE? No, I got carried away. That's pretty much what's there. If you are looking for novels, you need to go to the Baen website. But seriously - with millions and millions or words, 200 authors, over 100 magazine issues, and dozens of books, there's something for everyone!

The1632 alternate history universe started with 1632 by Eric Flint in 2000. 102 issues of the online magazine "The Grantville Gazette" and 3+ issues of the new magazine "Eric Flint's 1632 & Beyond" are just part of the 14 million words that make up this sprawling universe. New issues of 1632 & Beyond are released on the first of odd-numbered months.


Bethanne Kim
Bjorn Hasseler

A Tennessee Literary Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

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