Art Show
Come to the Art Show and Print Shop for a Science Fiction and Fantasy wonderland! Along with Leia Powell, our Artist Guest of Honor, the following artists are setting the table with a visual feast. Please be sure to drop in, set a spell, and enjoy the offerings. See something you like and want to take home? Many of these works will be for sale as either original works of art or prints.

Since LibertyCon’s inception, it has had an Art Show. Every year a call for entries is sent out and every year the Art Show is filled with the work of outstanding artists.
Attendees must have their LibertyCon badge worn on display while in the Art Show.
Displaying Artists
Here is a list of the outstanding artists who will have work for display and sale in the LibertyCon 36 Art Show.
Artist Guest of Honor
Leia Powell (Artist Guest of Honor)-
Additional Artists
Everette Beach
Amy Brewer-Davenport -
Peri Charlifu -
Sarah Clemens -
Melanie Cordova -
Charlene D’Alessio -
Abranda Flaminio -
Alana Gants
Melissa Gay -
Sara Glassman -
Karin Harris
Nancy Edwards Hathaway
Ross Hathaway
Kendra Irwin
Bryan Jones -
Alexandra Klimek -
Michael Kucharski -
Madolyn Locke -
Theresa Mather -
Kara Metz
Anita Moore -
Betsy Mott
Arden Nixon -
David Pancake -
Danny Parsons
Star Roberts
April Robinson -
Natalie Rodgers -
Maggie Schill -
Chris Wade -
Robert Zielke
Programming Events
Each year there are a few different events in the Art Show. However, two events always happen.
Friday Night: Meet the Artists
This is the Artist Meet and Greet. The LibertyCon Artist Guest of Honor will be in attendance as well as nearly all the artists who are displaying their work in the show.
Saturday Afternoon: Charity Art Jam
LibertyCon Art Show hosts this several-hour event and invites a few of our attending artists to create an original piece of art at the convention during this time. The final pieces will be available for auction at the Charity & Art Auction later in the evening.
LibertyCon has several awards presented to artists and their works. The award presentations and announcements are made during the Art Charity Auction on Saturday evening.
Polly Freas Award
The Polly Freas Award is the Best of Show LibertyCon Art Show award. It is selected by all the attendees of the convention by secret ballot.
Pauline Harriet (Polly) Freas was the first wife of science fiction artist Frank Kelly Freas (married 1952) with whom she had three children. She was a much-loved figure in mid-Atlantic fandom. She graced this planet with her presence from 1918 to 1987. We honor her memory and everything she meant to us by naming our Best of Show LibertyCon Art Show award after her.
Art Show Awards

Children's Choice Award
This award is selected by secret ballot by all the children who attend LibertyCon.
Best Digital
This is awarded to the best digital computer generated image in the show.
Best 3-D
This is awarded to the best three dimensional piece in the show which is not computer generated.
Best 2-D
This is awarded to the best two dimensional piece in the show which is not computer generated.
Purchasing Artwork
Attendees can purchase any piece of art at the Art Show if it is for sale (some piece are only on display and will say Not For Sale or NFS). A bid sheet for a piece of artwork will be attached to or near the piece on display. This sheet is where a bid is made for purchasing the work; the highest bid wins.
If any given piece receives more than two bids then the piece will enter the Charity and Art Auction on Saturday evening. In short: three bids sends the piece to the Charity and Art Auction. Typically, there is also a direct sale option for pieces which have not yet been bid upon.
The LibertyCon Art Show cashiers will process all purchases. Pieces can be picked up and paid for on Sunday morning.
Artist Information
A call for entries to artists and their works is usually sent out around the end of January each year. If you would like to be on this list, please send an email to After receiving an entry form, please respond as soon as possible. Currently, the Art Show is filled up on a first come first served basis and it has been a sold out show for the last few years.